Monday, February 13, 2012

Baked Bread Pudding

A must try for every dessert lover!!!!!!

Very simple ingredients and an absolute ripper in taste.
My mom had read/seen this recipe somewhere and she passed it on.
Not very accurate instructions were recieved as she did not note it down anywhere (humph), something for which I m always behind her :D , however we did some experiments on our own and everyone @home loved it..including the lil one!!!! yay!!!!!
So here goes:


8 Slices of Whole Wheat Bread (again I do not think the original recipe called for whole wheat bread. This is just part of the whole "Healthy" thing going on @home)
1 tin of condensed Milk
1 cup of boiled Milk (can use low fat)
Butter and Sugar : Enough for the 8 slices
1/4 cup of roasted Nuts to garnish (i used cashews)


Now this part is really what I came up with, we have no idea how it was originally intended.
I buttered the bread lightly (no-one in my family needs any more fat than we already have ;P, but the more butter more the flavour).
Spread some sugar in a plate and place the buttered side of the bread down so that it gets covered with sugar. Repeat for both the sides.
Now heat a non-stick pan and palce the bread pieces on this till the sugar is caramalized to a golden brown. Keep a close watch to avoid burning. Caramalize both the sides.
Repeat for all the eight slices.
Now place these bread pieces in a pudding dish. Mine could hold just 4 slices , so I got 2 layers with the 8 pieces. Better to use similar dishes or if using larger increase the bread pieces.
Pour the boiled milk over the slices.
This will get absorbed by the slices and some get mushy whereas the others still resisit where the caramalisation hit hard :)
Place in a pre-heated oven at 160 for 20-25 mins till the top gets a golden brown.
Garnish with the nuts!!!
Tada!!!! THE most irresistable dessert is born.
You just cannot resist from taking seconds.


Neets said...

Hi AMnjusha,

Just happened to glance upon your blog. It looks pretty interesting, must say! I saw this recipe for bread pudding and thought I should comment. Mine involves just bread, eggs,milk,sugar and loads of chocolate chips! There's no boiling and it just needs to be baked at a 180 degrees for 45 minutes. It's a big hit in my household! I shall post the recipe some time soon. Please do check out my blog. I just started it a month ago. There are mostly Kerala recipes and desserts. Do check it out n let me know what u think! Once again, keep up the good work!


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Neetu.....Im kind of trying to avoid eggs as much as possible in my recipes coz somehow i find the smell a little upsetting.
Not that I dont eat eggs at all, but I really could live without that eggy smell in my cakes and desserts.
Could be my vegetarian (read eggitarean ;) background).
So trying out different eggless versions these days :)
Went through your blog and I must say you have done a great job ... the pics and the posts are equally interesting :) ..Well done!!
I have to find some time b/w work and home to sit down and fine tune mine!!! Hopefully that will happen sometime soon !!!